Passion Projects Worth Growing: Hobby Farming Must-Knows


You work hard; you deserve to invest in the hobbies that bring you joy. For many, hobby farming is precisely that. An individual or family may choose to hobby farm for recreation, therapeutic benefits, to grow their own food, or to sell a product and bring home another source of income. No matter the reason, we support it and can help optimize your operation.

Hobby Farming is typically defined as small-scale operations of approximately 50 acres or less that are not the farmer's or family's primary source of income. While it can potentially bring in profit, it's not what they depend on and is not necessarily required or consistently expected. Specific examples found in the United States include beekeeping, market gardening, tree nurseries, microgreens farming, caring for small livestock, micro dairies, and even snail farming; the list goes on, and each has unique benefits. 

If hobby farming has been calling your name lately and you want to learn more, or maybe you've already begun, Titan Machinery wants to help! You can contact us through the form on our Hobby Farming Solutions page to connect with an equipment specialist today. In the meantime, let's dive into the most rewarding benefits, general challenges, key considerations, and the top equipment/tools/attachments we recommend you add to your arsenal. 

Four Major Benefits of Hobby Farming

Secondary Source of Income 

As previously stated, hobby farming is not intended to be anyone's primary source of income. Instead, it's exactly as it's named - a hobby! That said, sometimes hobbies have added benefits outside of pure enjoyment. One of those can be profit. Profits can come from growing your own fruits, vegetables, microgreens, or even flowers to not only enjoy yourself but also sell at a local market. It can come from having chickens to produce and sell eggs or cows and goats to make and sell milk. It can even come from the niche market of snail or mushroom farming to become a restauranteur's or other enthusiasts' steady supplier of something otherwise a bit rarer! 

Connectedness to Nature: Mental Health & Stress Relief

There has been an increase in studies and research pointing to the success of connecting with nature in improving overall mental health and well-being through stress reduction and promoting healing. In 2020, in a robust study of 20,000 people across diverse demographics, led by Dr. Mathew White of the European Centre for Environment & Human Health at the University of Exeter Medical School, the research team found that individuals who spent two hours a week, whether spread out or all at once, in green environments, such as local parks or the related, were substantially more likely to report good health and psychological well-being. Those who did not meet that two-hour mark did not show to experience any of those benefits. 

“It’s well-known that getting outdoors in nature can be good for people’s health and well-being, but until now, we’ve not been able to say how much is enough,” White said. “Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can be spread over an entire week to get the benefit.”

Personal Satisfaction & Accomplishment 

This benefit goes hand in hand with mental health. As humans, we desire to be self-sufficient. We feel a sense of greater purpose when we grow and create something meaningful to our world or the world of others. Hobby farming can be that for someone, allowing us to experience a sense of personal satisfaction and pride in our accomplishments. 

Opportunity for Sustainable Farming Practices

Because hobby farming is more personal, we tend to see the implementation of sustainable farming practices more often. Sustainable farming practices are any that produce without harming the land or natural resources while aiming to make the most of the nonrenewable resources. The goal of it is to meet current needs without taking away from future generations' abilities to do the same for themselves. In hobby farming, farmers are more likely and able to:

  • Rotate crops
  • Reduce the use of damaging chemical pesticides and fertilizers while applying integrated pest management
  • Responsibly use/manage water 
  • Include carbon sources on their land
  • Promote biodiversity and natural vegetation/life

Three Challenges to Plan For

There are challenges with anything, and hobby farming is certainly no exception. While we would never want these challenges to deter someone from pursuing an ambition, they are still important to consider and prepare for! 

Sacrificing Downtime

If you're hobby farming, this isn't your full-time gig. Prepare to dedicate consistent downtime to your efforts in this project. What may have once been free time to do whatever you pleased may now need to go toward maintaining your farm and caring for any animals or crops on it.

Added Work & Financial Responsibilities

You'll replace that downtime with added labor. Be ready and committed to that, and prepare for the additional financial obligations hobby farms also require. 

No Tax Breaks

The IRS defines a hobby farm as an activity "with no intention of making a profit." However, because these lines can seem blurry compared to a profitable business, they've established a list of factors for taxpayers to consider. If your farm is determined to be that of a hobby farm, keep in mind that expenses are considered personal and, as such, are not tax deductible. 

Covering Your Bases

On the fence or unsure if this is your calling? That's okay! Take the time to ponder these questions, write them down, and proceed from there. 

  1. What are your goals with this? What's your "why?"
  2. Do you have the necessary resources, like land, soil type, consultants, shelters, equipment/tools, etc.?
  3. Have you chosen a location that makes sense for you and considered zoning and regulations
  4. Have you done all of the research yet? Educate yourself on small farming in general, and then go in-depth to learn specifically about your area of interest and the practices you want to implement. 


You can also consider conferring with loved ones, other farmers, or professional small farm consultants. Then, when you're ready to purchase or rent equipment, we're here to help you!

Our Top Equipment and Attachments Picks

Whether you're ready to construct your plan or grow your existing operation, we've got your back. Let our team put the power of Titan Machinery to work for you. Explore our featured equipment and attachments, access our expansive Rentals inventory, learn about available services, or read related blog articles on our Hobby Farming Equipment Solutions page below. 


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