Serving Palo for Over 30 Years: Cedar River Garden Center


When it comes to increasing a home's property value, one of the most commonly agreed-upon ways to do so is to elevate its curb appeal. Like many things in our lives, that first impression does matter. 

In fact, according to a recent study by the University of Texas at Arlington, the cost of that curb appeal can be up to 7% of the home's value. Likewise, the Journal of Environmental Horticulture conducted its own study, indicating value increases from 5% to 11% with a bit of extra attention to that first impression. 

Thus, the proof is there time and time again. The first exterior snapshot a potential buyer sees can make or break their decision to explore the listed property further.

While there are indeed projects your average homeowner can accomplish, the cost-benefit of hiring a professional is undeniable. From their years of experience to help you avoid common DIY pitfalls to the sheer quantity and kinds of terrains they get to work on, hiring a hardscaping/landscaping service pays you back in time and money.

Thankfully, in the Palo, Iowa, area, residents can count on a family-owned business and long-time CASE Construction/Titan Machinery customer, Cedar River Garden Center.

Cedar River Garden Center

Dan Diehm grew up a farm kid, constantly excitedly growing his own pumpkins, melons, corn, squash—you name it, he grew it. So, after graduating high school in 1977, attending Kirkwood Community College's nearby Horticulture program felt only natural. There, he met his now-wife, Megan, who, though more in the parks division, was also a program student.

Throughout college, Dan put his studies to practice. He began working for a local landscaping business, learning the ropes in everything from grading and drainage to the construction of retaining walls. Similarly, Megan continued her studies in horticulture science and eventually worked for Kirkwood's horticulture department. Both together and independently, Dan and Megan embarked on the experiences that would play pivotal roles in the business (and marriage) they built together. 

In 1979, Megan and Dan graduated from their programs. They married in 1980 and, thus, now have 44+ years of horticulture and landscaping experience together. In 1985, the couple officially launched Horticulture Specialties, Inc. -   

"Young and full of ambition, having nothing, but also nothing to lose."

While reflecting on their business's roots, Dan shared that Cedar River Garden Center began as a landscaping construction business with no staff and intentionally conservative means. His first piece of equipment, purchased from a retiring friend then, was a 1737 Skid Steer Loader from none other than CASE Construction. Over the years, he shared that he progressed through each model of CASE skid loaders, built his fleet, and even put a Case IH tractor to work on his hobby farm. Today, that fleet proudly features multiple TR310B and  TR340B Compact Track Loaders.

"I've demoed other (brands), but the equipment performance and the relationships with CASE dealerships over the years, now specifically, Titan Machinery - their salespeople and service team - have satisfied me. They've become friends, whether Mark Mangus, who has helped me retain my business through repairs for the last 40 years, or salesman Travis Fish, whom I genuinely trust and enjoy doing business with. They're people I've relied on for years. I've been loyal to them from day one and will continue to be. 

"Give me a shovel, a rake, and some CASE Skid Loaders, and I'll get to work."


Dan and Megan's humble landscaping business took off, though. Growth transpired through all the ups and downs as the couple poured everything back into the business at every turn. Eventually, despite no plans to expand into the retail world, Dan and Megan bought a farm in Palo in 1988, and in 1995, they launched what is now their retail garden center -- with greenhouses and more. 

From beating cancer and two years of treatment in 2005 to the 2008 disaster flood of the Cedar River Basin to losing it all in the 2020 Iowa derecho -- Dan shares that, 

"Being bullheaded is what keeps me going! Even in the thick of it, we never looked back. Through hell or high water, with a lot of the latter, we have real pride in the self-made, do-it-yourself business we've created together. 

From an initial plan of zero staff to 90 on the payroll today, we have a lot of talented staff who also take pride and great ownership in each of their divisions."

Cedar River Garden Center has something special. From its roots with Megan and Dan to its dedicated and evolving team members today, their passion is evident in what they create for their communities. 

Cedar River Garden Center Testimonials


  Explore Cedar River Garden Center

  Discover the Power of CASE Equipment

A Few Photos from the Cedar River Garden Center Scrapbook:

Ready to spring into gardening season here!


"Ready to spring into gardening season here!"


"Some of our current CASE fleet on an April morning this year, ready to go to work!"

"One of my old 1845C CASE loaders."

"Cleaning up after the destruction of the 2020 derecho, CASE equipment at the ready. "

"CASE helping us rebuild our greenhouse after the 2020 derecho. "





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