Grain Bin Safety Week

Grain Bin Safety

Farm safety should always be a priority on every farm, but sometimes it is easy to forget steps, miss helpful hints and cut corners at times. The safest actions on the farm aren’t always the quickest or most convenient. It only takes one moment or one wrong move on the farm and a life could be changed forever. This week, we are here to give helpful reminders about one of the most dangerous structures on the farm that can pose numerous threats and hazards, the grain bin. 

               This week, February 20-26 is "Grain Bin Safety Week" and it is an opportunity to review the dangers found on the farm while working in and around grain bins. On average, around two dozen people are killed each year in the U.S. due to grain bin accidents. In four seconds, a full-grown adult can sink knee-deep from the suction of flowing grain and in 20 seconds, they can be completely buried in the grain. The force it takes to remove a full-grown adult buried under grain can exceed over 2,000 pounds. To prevent the likelihood of a grain bin accident from occurring, it is important to consider the steps below.

  1. When grain is being loaded or unloaded from a grain bin, it is important to be cautious of being entrapped or suffocated inside. Important steps to follow to prevent entrapment in a grain bin:
    • Do not enter any grain bin unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.
    • Stay near the outer wall and keep walking if grain should start to flow.
    • Shut off all grain handling equipment.
    • Wear a safety harness attached to a properly secured rope.
    • Do not act alone and have someone close by in case of an emergency.
    • Keep ALL children away from grain bins, wagons and trailers.
  2. Be alert of slipping or falling around grain bins. It is important to:
    • Make sure all stairs or ladders are clean and in good working condition.
    • Ensure that ladder pathways are clear of extension cords or other loose items.
    • When it is raining or icy, avoid climbing on ladders.
    • Avoid carrying tools or other items that take up space in your hands and distract you from climbing a ladder safely.
  3. Keep electrical power in a working order to avoid electrical shock or other accidents.
    • When loading and unloading grain bins, keep equipment at least 10 feet away from all power lines.
    • Make sure all electrical equipment is grounded correctly.
    • Ensure the proper fuses and circuit breakers are being used.
    • Do not used any frayed power cords.
  4. Wear a protective mask inside and near a grain bin to protect your breathing.
    • Grain fines and dust can cause difficulty breathing and a mask should be worn to protect your lungs, especially when cleaning a bin.


Bridged Grain

Flowing Grain

Avalanched Grain

Taking the above safety precautions is the best way to prevent an accident from happening, but farm accidents can still happen even in safest circumstances.  That’s why it is still important to know what to do in case of an emergency and plan accordingly.

  1. If you become trapped in a bin and are covered, cup your hands over your month and take short breaths until help arrives.
  2. If another person is trapped in a bin:
    • Turn on the fan to move air into the bin.
    • Cut large holes around the bin, about 5 feet up from the base to start emptying grain.
    • Never attempt to rescue someone else. Call your local emergency department and they will complete the job safely.
  3. Post emergency numbers for the farm that include all local emergency resources.
  4. Determine a meeting location for all farm members to meet in case of an emergency.


Knowledge and prevention steps are crucial in stopping grain bin tragedies. Being aware of the safety steps that you can take and promote to others is a first step in the right direction to ensure safety on the farm. Accidents can happen to anyone, and nobody is an exception to this. We want to remind all farmers to be safe and cautious on the farm and remind you that working fast and cutting corners on the farm could lead to a disaster.



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